Hi, I'm Quang.
Web Developer.

Even though I started my professional career as an Automation Engineer,
coding has become my passion and my new professional career focus.

Quang Than smiling with a tree in the background

About Me

My name is Quang and I'm a self-taught developer. I gained my interest in web development back when I worked as a Sales Support Engineer for a Japanese company. The company has some IoT products which have built-in web server. To make the products' software look more attractive to customers, my task was to create customized user interface using HTML, CSS and Javascript. As I dive deeper into web development through docs, online tutorials and courses, I've struggled a lot throughout the progress but gradually I've felt more comfortable when I can grab the fundamentals. Since then web development has become an important part of my life.

With all my determination and the experience I've gathered during my earlier professional career, I'm ambitious to grow as the best web developer I can be, and help create web apps that work well, look good, accessible and easy-to-use for everyone.

My Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • SQL
  • RESTful API

Let's Build Something Together

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a web developer or just want to connect.